Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Endymion and I have a lot in common.

I've been doing a lot of sleeping lately. 
New York is keeping me extremely busy and with little time or energy to post. But don't fret! I'll be back very soon with some images of my new finds as I begin decorating my first New York apartment!

Endymion, Nicolas Guy Brenet, 1756


  1. Dear Sybarite,
    Your opulent Blog draws me back at every new posting. You offer delight and fun, and you flatter the eyes of your readers. Thank you.
    Too bad Endymion doesn't have a flute of champagne; you look more confortable on your couch. David

  2. How incredibly kind. Thank you

  3. Hello William:
    How very exciting this sounds. We shall much look forward to being afforded glimpses of what you are up to.
